Grand Theft Auto Online is a download game and you can install it in your machine. FEATURES The features of this game include You can customize your character You have to play this game online only There is a single mode and also a multi player mode is also available CONCLUSION The customization of the game is just the bomb I think its thumbs up for the developers. But it is very enjoyable and very addictive I must say to everyone so guys be on the lookout. Besides, the action takes place in a fictitious city.REVIEW This is just another version of the gta series but this one I can say first o all it is very different because you do not have only to play in the game but also it includes a very high level of customization in other words you get to improve you character a lot that is by taking them to a hairdresser and they can get their hair to be done and also you can them to a clothe shop and buy them clothes I mean this is quite different but very interesting I must say and also I forgot to tell you this you also have to play this game online. This game can accommodate up to 16 players. REVIEW This is just another version of the gta series but this one I can say first o all it is very different because you do not have only to play in the game but also it includes a very high level of customization in other words you get to improve you character a lot that is by taking them to a hairdresser and they can get their hair to be done and also you can them to a clothe shop and buy them clothes I mean this is quite different but very interesting I must say and also I forgot to tell you this you also have to play this game online.