(2-tailed) < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is an effect of ice breaking and Making Video activities in non-classical learning models on students' literacy skills. the results of the independent sample t-test, the information on the value of Sig. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ice breaking and making video activities in non-classical learning models on the literacy skills of the Geography Education Study Program students of USN Kolaka. The non-classical learning model used in this study is a problem solving collaborative learning model with treatment assignments for making learning material videos which are expected to make it easier to find knowledge in teaching materials. Ice breaking activity is an activity to dilute the learning atmosphere and increase student motivation, with ice breaking students who feel bored and overwhelmed by feelings of tension become more lively and interactive. Thus, this research make students be enjoy, be active, energize, feeling happiness, interactive in the classroom, stay in the class during learning process, and focus on the material.Įducation is a measure of student success, but the emergency that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic affected many activities, one of which is the lecture process until now, the lecture process that previously used classical learning turned into non-classical ( distance learning) or known as online model.

It concluded that ice breaking was effective in teaching English learning toward the students’ motivation for the first grade of SMP Nurul Jadid. Therefore, hypothesis H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Then, in the post-test, the mean score of experiment class was 66.1. The students’ mean score of the pre-test of the experiment class was 60. The result analyzing showed that there was significant difference on the students’ motivation taught by using ice breaker. Based on the data analysis, the data t-test (2.77) was higher than t-table value (2.042). The last, the researcher conducted the post-test to know whether an ice breaking was effective for teaching English in experimental class. Moreover, the researcher taught English by using ice breaking in the experimental class. Before the treatment, the researcher gave the pre-test in one class. This research used pre-experimental design by using one shot case study pre-test and post-test.

This study was generally attempted to find the effect of ice breaking to increase students' motivation in English learning at the first grade of SMP Nurul Jadid.